The purpose of this blog is to provide an archived resource of Personal thoughts, learning resources, and parent information.

Regular postings will be added on Mondays.

Monday 6 June 2011

Finishing Strong

I probably shouldn’t admit this but I’ve organized a lot of Elementary School Track Meets over the years, too many in fact!

I’ve always enjoyed the running events. You line up a group of sweaty, hyperactive ten-year-olds at the start line, fire the starting gun, and before the puff of smoke clears they are half way around the track.

No pacing, little technique, overwhelming optimism.

Running the 1500m, I’ve seen kids spring into the lead only to run out of steam rounding the first corner and eventually walking across the finish line totally out of steam. I know that my life certainly mirrors that from time to time.

“Forgetting what lies behind, I press on towards the high-calling of Christ.” Paul made that statement in regards to his life and his walk with Jesus. It’s a statement that can apply to everything from running a race to, to our relationships, to our schooling.

Spring arrives after a long dark summer. The weather warms up, the trees bud, the flowers bloom, and thoughts leave the “classroom.” It happens to almost everyone.

The challenge every year is to finish strong. It’s easy to back off on the work to the point where nothing is happening. When motivation wanes you’ve got to look for ways to re-inspire yourself and your kids. Some good ideas are to change things up. Take the lessons outside, go for a nature walk, sit outside and read together, visit the Library, get together with friends and have contests like Jeopardy, or Smarter Than a Fifth Grader.

It’s a wonderful feeling to have completed your curriculum for the year, to have crossed that “finish line”. If you’re there relax and enjoy, if you’re close hang in there and finish strong.

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