The purpose of this blog is to provide an archived resource of Personal thoughts, learning resources, and parent information.

Regular postings will be added on Mondays.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Keys to Discipleship

I was blessed to have been raised in a Christian home. As a child, I sometimes wondered if I had actually been born in the foyer or a Sunday school classroom or the 4th row, left side, since we were there every time the doors were open.

I believed in God for as long as I could remember, and understood the basics of Jesus’ love and work in my life, but when I became a teen things changed a bit. I began to question my faith. Did I believe in God because that was what I had inherited, or did I own my faith?

It has been my experience that as I have learned a few keys that my relationship has grown deeper and stronger. Here they are:

1. Who is God? Understanding who God is foundational to our faith. Learning to understand the Father’s heart, His character, His attributes, and His love & grace is where we need to begin.

2. Who am I? Understanding myself; my strengths, weaknesses, gifts, talents, and my need for God is the next key.

3. What does God want to do through me? Understanding that I am significant to God. He has a plan for my life that He is equipping me for.

4. How have I been created to worship? What stirs my heart toward God? When do I feel the closest to Him? How do I hear from the Holy Spirit? (Yes, this could go with “Who am I?”)

If you’re looking for a focus this year perhaps this is a place to start. Going through the books of John or Luke, and focusing on how Jesus taught these things to his disciples, is a great way to make these books real, and disciple your children as well.

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