Yesterday was just “one of those days”. I was late for one meeting, forgot another, and finished only a fraction of the jobs that I set out to do. I stopped for milk on the way home while my mind was already preoccupied with the worship practice that was next on the day’s agenda.
As I walked through the door the milk slipped from my fingers and completely exploded on the floor. You haven’t had an adrenaline rush until you suddenly have four litres of 2% spreading like a frothy white tsunami across the floor towards the new carpet. Praise God, the linen closet with its stack of towels was within reach. Quickly I had built a dam, (Science: “Structures” learning outcomes), and began the unpleasant job of sopping up the mess. I completed the clean-up and was now looking at about 30 minutes for some emails, some copying, supper, and then out the door to band practice.
It was in the middle of this angst that our doorbell rang. My wife Niki answered the door. There on the doorstep was an angel. She had read my email and went out of her way to bring us a gift, a blessing in the form of a new jug of milk.
It was with a completely new heart and an uplifted spirit that I headed out the door a few minutes later. God is good. Friends who bless in HUGE ways through “small” acts are a true gift. J
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